Tips for Keeping up a Regular Writing Routine on the Go
All around the world, people dream of becoming professional writers of one stripe or another. Some dream of writing novels and sharing their stories and imaginative creations with the world, while others thrive on the idea of becoming successful and highly regarded bloggers, celebrity ghostwriters, and more.
The writer’s life can be perfect for many people, but it’s by no means easy to get into. You need to develop your technical writing talent, you need to become accustomed at researching and formulating things in the correct way, and you need the tenacity to keep going and putting yourself out there, again and again, until you’ve built a career for yourself.
What’s more, many people don’t just dream of making a living writing, but of making a living writing, while also enjoying a nomadic or semi-nomadic lifestyle. This, of course, brings its own challenges.
If, however, being the writer-on-the-go sounds like your dream lifestyle, here are a few tips for keeping up a regular writing routine on the go.
Use cloud-based services to sync your work across devices (and compensate for storage limitations)
As a general rule, you always want to back up anything you’ve written, in multiple locations. You also don’t want to make it too difficult for yourself to review and edit your work from multiple devices on the go.
CloudMounter is an incredible service that allows you to utilise various cloud-based services, including Dropbox and Google Drive, as the hard drive for your Mac, just as long as you have an internet connection.
Not only does this mean that your work is automatically backed up and synced to the cloud, it also means you can work productively on devices with low storage memory, without this being a hindrance.
And, since your work will be backed up to the cloud, you can access it on other devices virtually effortlessly.
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Set yourself daily writing targets and meet them, even if you do a terrible job
Jack London bragged of writing 1,000 words a day, even when he was stricken down with a mysterious tropical fever, while navigating a boat around barely-charted archipelagos.
Successful writers, as a rule, do not wait for “the muse” to visit, and they don’t just write “when they feel like it.” Instead, they have set daily writing targets, and they meet them no matter what.
Set yourself daily writing targets, and meet them, even if you do a terrible job. You can always correct it in later edits and rewrites.
Identify a regular time of day when you can do most of your writing, undisturbed
This is less easy to do on the road than at home, but as much as possible, you should aim to write at a time of day when disturbances are minimal.
In fact, this can be especially important when travelling, as you’ll already be dealing with a higher-than-usual number of distractions.
Generally, it’ll be best to write early in the morning or late at night, with early in the morning usually being a more socially-friendly and productive choice.
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