3 Big Mistakes Business Make When Redesigning Their Website

3 Big Mistakes Business Make When Redesigning Their Website

on Jan 25, 2019 in Small business

When you’re first starting out, you don’t have that much of a budget to spend on designing a website. You still need one but you’ll have to make do with what you’ve got and it might not be great. That’s why building a new website should be one of your first priorities when you start bringing in more revenue. But a lot of business owners get the redesign process wrong and, while the new website is more expensive and flash looking than the old one, it doesn’t actually work as well as the old one in terms of getting sales. If you’re about to build a new website for your new company, make sure that you avoid these common mistakes.

Forgetting About Functionality

When you’ve got more money to spend on a website, you can afford to make it look sleeker and add a lot of cool animations and things that make it more professional looking. But it’s important that you don’t get too caught up with what the site looks like and forget about how it actually works. Every website needs these essential features on it and it needs to work smoothly so people don’t get frustrated with it. It’s important that you make it look good but don’t do that at the expense of functionality, otherwise, you’re never going to make any sales.


SEO Migration

Search engine optimization is one of the most important things to consider when you’re building a website. If you don’t have a good SEO strategy in place, you’re not going to get the traffic that you need on your site. But when you’re building a new website, you have to deal with SEO migration. Often, your site can drop quite considerably in the rankings and a lot of people think that this is just something that you can’t avoid, but that’s not true. If you know what you’re doing, you should be able to maintain your ranking on the new website. Check out this website migration guide for some tips to help you out. It’s normal to experience a small drop in traffic to start with but if you get it right, it’ll pick up and return to normal very quickly.


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Forgetting Why You’re Doing It

This sounds a bit odd because surely you’re not going to forget why you’re designing a new website. But if you actually think about it, do you have a solid reason? It’s not enough to just say that it needs to be better. You need to know which areas specifically need improving. If you don’t have a good idea of why you’re doing it in the first place, you could end up creating a new website that has all of the same problems that the old one did. Before you do anything, you need to look at the old site and draw up a list of specific goals for the new website.


If you’re making these mistakes, your new website design won’t solve any of your problems and it’ll be a big waste of money.



Image credit:  Pixnio.com

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