Four Simple Questions About Working Remotely

Four Simple Questions About Working Remotely

on Oct 27, 2020 in Small business

As home working has seen a huge growth in popularity, many businesses have switched on to the possibilities provided by remote working. It no longer seems one hundred percent necessary to have every employee working under one roof, and this seems to open up many new avenues and possibilities. However, as you can imagine, many people still do have questions when it comes to the long-term effects of creating a remote-work culture, about what benefits it can provide as well as possible flaws you might need to address. So what are the major questions that are being asked, and do they have simple answers?

Develop a High Level of Cyber Security

There are a lot of people out there who would just love to hack into your business and cause some serious issues. Whether someone is trying to get into a financial account, steal personal information, or someone is just a troll who wants to cause trouble you need to have your business protected. There are several effective ways you can go about this that will give you the security you need to be able to keep yourself, your business, and your employees safe from losing precious information and resources. Checklists like the Essential 8 are great to review to give you some insight on what great cyber security looks like. It may take some effort to secure your company’s digital profile, but it will be well worth it to know that you, your business, and your staff are secure and your information is only your business and no one else’s. 

Does this mean I can travel?

For some people, the benefit of remote working means they can stay at home and find convenience. However, for others, it opens up the idea of becoming a digital nomad – someone who works remotely and can therefore travel across the world without a care. But does this actually work? Well, the simple answer is that it depends on your job. If you are still expected to work a 9-5, time zones can create difficulties. There’s no point travelling to Europe if you’re having to stay up most of the night ‘in the office’, and unable to enjoy the daytimes. The same is true if your job requires you to speak with clients on a regular basis, and prescribed times. However, if your employment is also creating flexible work hours, travel is certainly a possible benefit of remote working.

Develop a High Level of Cyber Security

There are a lot of people out there who would just love to hack into your business and cause some serious issues. Whether someone is trying to get into a financial account, steal personal information, or someone is just a troll who wants to cause trouble you need to have your business protected. There are several effective ways you can go about this that will give you the security you need to be able to keep yourself, your business, and your employees safe from losing precious information and resources. Checklists like the Essential 8 are great to review to give you some insight on what great cyber security looks like. It may take some effort to secure your company’s digital profile, but it will be well worth it to know that you, your business, and your staff are secure and your information is only your business and no one else’s. 

What about mail?

For businesses who still rely on the postal system, the idea of completely dispensing with a centralized office location might feel impossible. However, there are solutions to this problem that can enable a remote-working company that still has access to snail mail. For example, you could purchase a virtual office address that can receive your mail and forward it on to you wherever you may be. These virtual addresses also come with a host of other benefits, including receptionist service, and a professional location for you to include on business cards and other promotional material.

Develop a High Level of Cyber Security

There are a lot of people out there who would just love to hack into your business and cause some serious issues. Whether someone is trying to get into a financial account, steal personal information, or someone is just a troll who wants to cause trouble you need to have your business protected. There are several effective ways you can go about this that will give you the security you need to be able to keep yourself, your business, and your employees safe from losing precious information and resources. Checklists like the Essential 8 are great to review to give you some insight on what great cyber security looks like. It may take some effort to secure your company’s digital profile, but it will be well worth it to know that you, your business, and your staff are secure and your information is only your business and no one else’s. 

What does it mean for efficiency?

Many business owners worry about the efficiency of remote or home workers. This is a valid concern, and some people do find it harder to concentrate on work from the comfort of their own homes. However, it’s important to note that attempting to over-police people working from home can have the opposite effect – no one can get any work done if they’re constantly on Zoom calls to track their progress. The most efficient way to manage remote working is actually to create flexible schedules, allowing employees to focus their time when it is most useful for them.

Develop a High Level of Cyber Security

There are a lot of people out there who would just love to hack into your business and cause some serious issues. Whether someone is trying to get into a financial account, steal personal information, or someone is just a troll who wants to cause trouble you need to have your business protected. There are several effective ways you can go about this that will give you the security you need to be able to keep yourself, your business, and your employees safe from losing precious information and resources. Checklists like the Essential 8 are great to review to give you some insight on what great cyber security looks like. It may take some effort to secure your company’s digital profile, but it will be well worth it to know that you, your business, and your staff are secure and your information is only your business and no one else’s. 

How will we communicate?

Many people fear that the casual chat across the water-cooler is being lost, and that it has become harder to make simple decisions without face-to-face contact. Communication is vital in business, and remote working presents its own challenges to that. However, these can be mitigated by using different channels, from Whatsapp messaging to Zoom to platforms such as Slack which allow your employees to work simultaneously whilst communicating with each other over a project. Technology has provided many solutions to the problems of communication, to suit many different tasks.

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