Successful Business Women Share 5 Key Secrets
Running a successful business is every woman’s dream isn’t it, if we’re honest?
No more male bosses, being in charge of your own destiny, feeling inspired every day. If only everything was that simple…
But there are some secrets that every good businesswoman knows – and they’ve agreed to share them with you.
1. Feel passion for your business
It might seem a bit obvious, but your business should be something you feel really passionate about. That means you’ll really understand your product or service – and its market – and have the energy and drive to succeed.
2. First impressions really count
Good looks are really important. We don’t mean anyone’s physical appearance, don’t worry – we’re talking in this context about your brand.
The first impression your business creates is really crucial to success after all. Think of a big brand like Amazon, Apple, Google or Facebook – you can picture them all immediately, can’t you? Their logo, what they stand for – the whole package?. It’s all down to good branding – and these companies’ ability to get their visual identity across well.
So what can you do to ensure your messaging is strong enough – and that it’s seen in all the best places?
Know your audience
The first thing you need to think about – before you invest time and money into branding – is your audience. What are their habits, wants, needs and aspirations – and what would they respond best to? Maybe think of your whole audience as one distinct person, to help you get a really clear picture of who you’re speaking to.
Think carefully about colour and design
Your visual identity will be a customer’s first impression of your business – so make sure it’s a positive one. It’s worth investing in support from a graphic designer to help you put together a great logo – unless you’ve got really strong skills yourself.
And once you’ve got your design, draw up some brand guidelines, setting out exactly how you’ll use it, and where.
A brand is much more than a logo
Remember your brand is about much more than a logo – it conveys the personification of your business. So make sure your branding sets out what you do clearly – and explains how you are different.
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3. Recognise your strengths and weaknesses
You need to truly know yourself, when you’re in business – and that means both your strengths and weaknesses. Do you tend to be disorganised? Find ways to address that; set SMART goals, for example – and learn the importance of uptime and downtime.
And don’t be afraid to ask for help
If there are tasks you’re really not good at, and none of your employees have the right skill set – employ experts. We can’t all be skilled at everything, after all – that’s just how it is! So find a great accountant, hire an IT provider – and then focus your time on the things you excel in.
4. Don’t underestimate the power of a good workforce
Build a strong team
Hire well, surround yourself with positive people and never feel too important to find your own mentor. Make sure you fully understand workforce management techniques and practices – they’re key to every successful business.
Communicate effectively
You might understand how to communicate effectively with your customers – but don’t forget your employees, in this equation. Share ideas clearly with them, establish strong communication channels and provide lots of ways for your staff to feedback to you. Then listen and take action where appropriate…it will make a big difference. Your teams are experts in a whole range of areas, after all, so always respect their judgments and opinions.
Be inspirational
Inspire your employees; don’t be shy about giving them praise and try to create a positive working environment. Nothing is worse than staff who don;t enjoy their job, are unmotivated.or, even worse, don’t want to come in to work. It’s terrible news for the success of your business – so always address any negativity where you can.
5. Always remain agile
It’s so important to be able to respond quickly and effectively to change – and keep your business agile. If one of your competitors starts offering something too similar to you, for example, change it. Set yourself apart.and make your service or product stand out – never copy – always innovate.
We hope you’ve found these female entrepreneurs’ secrets useful. It’s in the power of every woman to really achieve, after all. So why not get back out into the world – and get started?
Good luck…
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