A Dining Room That Is Going Back To The Classics
Luxury, opulence and splendor are all things we would want our home to exude. The dining room is perhaps the ideal place to start. Getting back to basics or rather the classics, will help you transport your dining experience back to when class and style were water off a duck’s back. The dark brooding colors of the wood, the shine of the silver cutlery and the gentle but firm lighting above the guests makes the perfect image of this kind of style. But what is the classic styles? Originating from the early 20th century, the styles now known as ‘classic’ was born out of the Victorian and early Georgian eras. Instead of highly fancy and ornate tables, chairs, plates and cutlery, there was now a feeling or subtle but fine style. This approach can be allowing to enter your home with some fundamental changes.
Sophistication comes with age
By far the best thing about the classic dining room style is how sophisticated it looks. It’s so sophisticated in fact that it can sometimes look like a modern day executive’s office rather than a place where you dine. Sophistication does in fact come with age in this instance because marvellously old woods are used for the slab dining tables. Mahogany, walnut and cherry wood are the top three most popular. They can be varnished into a deep brown or even a dark burgundy. Getting one-piece slab is not difficult but it certainly will be expensive. The other aspect of the element of age is prestige. Your dining table could be over 200 years old if you go for an exquisite choice.
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Posture and tone
To match such an elegant yet powerful dining table, you need something like authentic bentwood chairs made in Europe. These chairs can be in a variety of styles, such as fan back, triple beam, flared armrests or a simple oval strap. The back support for these chairs is lightweight yet strong. Made out of bentwood, these chairs can support just about any size and weight. Because of their dark tone, they go well with classic tables. The material also allows them to not get as cold or as hot as metal chairs, as the wood breathes naturally. Getting an upholstered seat is something you can do for the classic style, but the armrests should remain plain and only the top of the back should be padded.
The day gets brighter
The classic dining style makes good use of silver cutlery. Stainless steel can be polished up to a very bright standard however, real silver is buffed to an extremely bright shine. This is something you should be adding to your dining room. The sheen of the cutlery offsets the dark tone of the wood, which is the most recognized image of an early 20th century Victorian era dining room.
Getting back to the classics in a modern day setting just makes your home all the more rare and interesting. Dark burgundy mahogany dining tables are the first thing you should explore to achieve this style that has stood the test of time.
Image credit: Pexels.com