Top Tips to Boost Your Workplace Performance
If you are looking for ways to boost workplace performance, read on for some great suggestions.
Manage absences more effectively
All businesses need to have effective sickness absence management in place. Of course, all workers are going to be off sick from time to time. However, you need to make sure that this does not get out of hand. After all, you are never going to have a productive workforce if you don’t have a full workforce.
The first thing you need to do is make sure you communicate with your employees effectively. Whenever someone is off work, you should find out why they were off, and if they are absent for a lengthy period of time you must communicate with them frequently. If you do not keep in contact with your workers, they will not feel any responsibility for their absence, and they will find it more difficult to settle in once they get back to work because they will be out of the loop.
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Aside from this, you should keep detailed records of absences, and you need to implement a clear sickness policy. This policy should outline consistent and fair behaviours.
Not only do you need to make your company’s rules clear, but you can also promote corporate wellness as an effective way of reducing absenteeism. Being proactive rather than reactive is advised. There are many ways you can do this, for example, you could promote the cycle to work scheme or provide healthcare membership as one of your employee benefits. You should also make sure you give your team breaks whenever they need them. It’s important to be able to spot when an employee is stressed, as stress often manifests itself as sickness.
In addition to this, you should make the workplace pleasant. Things like air quality and the way in which the office is organised can have an impact on how a person is feeling. If the place is cluttered, they are more likely to feel stressed. You should also think about offering a corporate massage to your employees, as this is a good way to reduce the chances of repetitive strain injury.
Last but not least, an essential part of sickness absence management is to treat everybody the same. Workers can often simmer over something they view as unfair, such as being treated differently over absences, and this can have a long-term impact on morale.
Consider an air quality assessment
All business owners have a responsibility to ensure the working environment is a safe and healthy one, and there are many different components that come together to make sure this is the case. Air quality is an imperative factor that must be taken into account if you are to ensure the workplace is one that is safe. This is why it is so important to undergo an air quality assessment, with regular follow-up assessments advised as well.
An air quality assessment will be conducted by an accredited company who will evaluate the quality of the air at your workplace. They will do this to see whether there are any risks and if any improvements can be made. They will then advise you on how to go about improving your air quality. But, why is this so important? Well, there are many different reasons, but the most vital of them all is ensuring everyone that works at your business remains healthy.
If air quality is poor at your business, germs are going to be spread more rapidly. This can affect the wellbeing of your visitors and your employees. Not only will this have a negative impact on your reputation, but also it can often lead to an increased in staff sickness levels and absences. Can you really afford to have your employees calling in sick all of the time? This will have a severely negative impact on your productivity levels, which will hurt you much more than the small cost of an air quality assessment will.
Air quality is something a lot of people don’t tend to give a lot of consideration to, as they have a tendency to assume that the quality of air in their offices and such like will be just fine. However, you need to consider workspaces as tightly sealed boxes. If there is an issue with air quality in this tightly sealed environment, you can see how it can easily manifest into something bigger. Unless you have excellent air hygiene in place, allergens and germs are going to spread with ease.
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