Working In An Office Isn’t As Productive As You Think

Working In An Office Isn’t As Productive As You Think

on Feb 5, 2021 in Productivity

Office environments used to be the go-to for businesses around the world. If you needed a place to work, you’d rent some office space and move all of your stuff in there. It seemed to be an incredible idea, and the fact that your employees worked in a professional setting surely meant that productivity levels were as high as can be. 

This might be true for some businesses, but there are many that have realised the benefits of moving away from traditional office environments. Remote working has taken the world by storm, proving to be extremely productive – often more so than office environments. It makes you stop and think about working in an office, and you soon realise there are many barriers to productivity. As it turns out, working in offices isn’t as productive as you initially think…

Develop a High Level of Cyber Security

There are a lot of people out there who would just love to hack into your business and cause some serious issues. Whether someone is trying to get into a financial account, steal personal information, or someone is just a troll who wants to cause trouble you need to have your business protected. There are several effective ways you can go about this that will give you the security you need to be able to keep yourself, your business, and your employees safe from losing precious information and resources. Checklists like the Essential 8 are great to review to give you some insight on what great cyber security looks like. It may take some effort to secure your company’s digital profile, but it will be well worth it to know that you, your business, and your staff are secure and your information is only your business and no one else’s. 

Early morning stress

Offices around the world lose valuable minutes and hours due to early morning stress. It’s all to do with the daily rush hour to work, culminating in out-of-breath employees still dealing with a touch of road rage. It can take time for people to get into the working zone after a hectic morning, and these unproductive hours will add up. In a work-from-home setting, there’s no stress at all – people can slide out of bed, calmly enjoy breakfast, then start work in a good mood. This leads to more productivity!

Develop a High Level of Cyber Security

There are a lot of people out there who would just love to hack into your business and cause some serious issues. Whether someone is trying to get into a financial account, steal personal information, or someone is just a troll who wants to cause trouble you need to have your business protected. There are several effective ways you can go about this that will give you the security you need to be able to keep yourself, your business, and your employees safe from losing precious information and resources. Checklists like the Essential 8 are great to review to give you some insight on what great cyber security looks like. It may take some effort to secure your company’s digital profile, but it will be well worth it to know that you, your business, and your staff are secure and your information is only your business and no one else’s. 

Many potential disruptions

There are plenty of things in and around an office that cause lengthy disruptions. Things like plumbing problems and electrical issues can happen, but the worst part is that they might not happen directly in your office. For instance, the office above you might have a burst pipe, which causes leakage into your office. It’s out of your control, but you have to vacate the area until an emergency plumber arrives. This sort of thing can happen all the time, disrupting working hours and leading to unproductivity. The chances of seeing these disruptions when remote working are slim, but you also have easier ways of dealing with them. What’s that? The internet is down at home? No worries, pop to the local Starbucks and you can carry on working. 

Develop a High Level of Cyber Security

There are a lot of people out there who would just love to hack into your business and cause some serious issues. Whether someone is trying to get into a financial account, steal personal information, or someone is just a troll who wants to cause trouble you need to have your business protected. There are several effective ways you can go about this that will give you the security you need to be able to keep yourself, your business, and your employees safe from losing precious information and resources. Checklists like the Essential 8 are great to review to give you some insight on what great cyber security looks like. It may take some effort to secure your company’s digital profile, but it will be well worth it to know that you, your business, and your staff are secure and your information is only your business and no one else’s. 

Fixed working environments

The biggest downside of an office is that everyone is in a fixed working environment. While the office setting may be excellent for some people, others may struggle to feel productive. They might not work well during the typical office hours, they may do terribly when others are around them, and they might hate the office equipment and setup. The problem is, there’s no way for them to change this, so every day is spent operating below par. When you let your employees work remotely, they can create their ideal work environment that’s conducive of their own productivity. 

What’s the purpose of this post? To get you to think about the way your business operates. Does the typical office workplace make sense anymore? It could be worth switching to a remote work pattern if you want to see productivity improvements.

Develop a High Level of Cyber Security

There are a lot of people out there who would just love to hack into your business and cause some serious issues. Whether someone is trying to get into a financial account, steal personal information, or someone is just a troll who wants to cause trouble you need to have your business protected. There are several effective ways you can go about this that will give you the security you need to be able to keep yourself, your business, and your employees safe from losing precious information and resources. Checklists like the Essential 8 are great to review to give you some insight on what great cyber security looks like. It may take some effort to secure your company’s digital profile, but it will be well worth it to know that you, your business, and your staff are secure and your information is only your business and no one else’s. 

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