Cash For Cakes? Turn Your Love of Baking into a Successful Home Business
The accessibility of the internet has opened up a whole world of opportunities for people to start up their own businesses- and these days, it’s perfectly possible to earn a fantastic income right from your own home. While there are plenty of options for people with all starting budgets and interests, if you already have a skill or passion that you know can make money then you’re one step ahead. And baking is one such skill, it might have started as a hobby but there’s always a demand for people that can make impressive cakes. Weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas all have customers searching for occasion cakes- plus you have things like corporate buffets too. If you’re planning on starting a baking business from home, here’s what you need to know.
Follow hygiene laws
It’s relatively easy to start a baking business from home, however there are a couple of changes you will need to make to your kitchen first. The law states that you will need a refrigerator that’s completely separate to your home refrigerator and so you’ll need to install an extra one just for your business. Pets won’t be allowed into the kitchen (even to cut through to go outside, so if your back door is in your kitchen and you have a dog, you’ll need to consider how you’ll let them out in future. And of course, the premises will need to be kept clean and tidy. To start up any kind of food business, you will need to take a course to obtain a food hygiene certificate, so be sure to do this in advance of setting your launch date.
Register your premises
Your premises will need to be registered twenty eight days before your business launches. Once it’s registered, health and hygiene officers can come by at any time to inspect, and ensure that you’re following the law. They will also set a date to come and inspect your kitchen ahead of opening to make sure that everything is up to standard.
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Take out business insurance
Every business, regardless of what they do should have business insurance. Look into options for your home baking company, hopefully you’ll never have to use it but it’s crucial that you have it there if you need it. Things like allergies, food poisoning or even accidental damage to a customer’s home while delivering to them could spell disaster if you’re not covered.
Think about delivery
As a home baking business, chances are most of your customers will live in your local area. This makes it easy for them to collect, however it’s worth considering a delivery option too- especially for larger orders. If you’ve made a wedding cake for example, some customers would prefer this to be delivered to their venue on the day. In time, if you’re doing a lot of these kinds of jobs then it could be worth investing in your own van. If it’s only on occasion, then van hire such as could be the best choice since there’s plenty of pickup and dropoff locations, and they’re open 24/7.
Consider extra training
You might be a skilled baker who has been whipping up baked treats for years, but now you’ve made it into a business it could be worth improving your skills. A patisserie course could allow you to learn the art of pastry and add another type of product to your shop. Things like cake decorating classes could enable you to really show off your creations to their best potential.
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