The People You Need On Your Side When Starting A Business

The People You Need On Your Side When Starting A Business

on Apr 26, 2019 in Small business

Should you be thinking about starting your own business, you should never go it alone. There is much to do, and many pressures awaiting you, and by going the Lone Ranger route, you and your business might start to struggle down the line.


So, to make the running of your business easier, and to ensure you stay on the right side of sanity, we recommend the following people to support you on your entrepreneurial journey.

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#1: A business attorney

Find a decent corporate attorney and arrange a meeting with them. They will explain to you the many legal issues facing startup owners and will give you the relevant advice to ensure you stay on the right side of the law. And by having an attorney on speed dial, you can always stay in touch should you face any legal problems down the line, such as a grieved employee or a complaining customer.


#2: An accountant

Never overlook the importance of tax compliance and advisory services, such as an accountancy firm, when starting your business. Especially if you’re not proficient in tax or other financial matters, they will ensure you don’t get into a muddle. With advice on budgeting, financial forecasting, and on how to pay less tax, they will get you through your first few months in business when you’re still trying to find your feet and make a profit. Many businesses fail because of financial issues, but an accountant will give you the support you need to alleviate this damaging possibility.

#3: A marketing professional

You need to market your business, as people won’t find about your product or service if you don’t. If you know little about marketing, outsourcing to an outside firm is worth the expense, as they will help you formulate a marketing campaign, and do much of the work for you. And assuming you have a website (hint: hire a web designer too), they will also optimize your website for you to ensure you rank highly on popular search engines such as Bing and Google, so your business will be off to a flying start.


#4: A supportive friend or family member

You don’t only need support with your business tasks, as moral support can also be extremely useful to you. There will be times when you get tired and frustrated. You might feel like giving up on your business when struggles threaten to overwhelm you. And you might suffer loneliness if you’re running your business on your own. This is where your supportive friend or family member comes in. While they might not have the skill to do your accounts or deal with difficult customers, they will have the ability to encourage you, give you moral support, and reminders on why you started your business in the first place. They might also look after your kids if you need to get on with something work-related, and even make you dinner should you have to work late sometimes.



Running a business can be incredibly rewarding, but it can also be tough and complicated. But by having the right people on your side, the journey you embark on will be a far easier and manageable one. We wish you every success, whatever your endeavour!



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