6 Things That Could Be Slowing Your Business Down

6 Things That Could Be Slowing Your Business Down

on Aug 22, 2019 in Productivity

If you feel like your business simply isn’t growing fast enough, there could be a good reason for this. In fact, there are numerous things that could seriously be slowing your business down. When you know what the biggest weights are on your business, you can work to improve/replace them and speed things up again. Take a look and see what you think! 

  1. Your Rigid Views

If you’re still living in the past and your views on how to run your business are pretty rigid, there’s a huge chance that you’re not progressing as quickly as you could be. The fact is, businesses are changing so quickly these days. Technology is changing, and industries and businesses are changing rapidly as a result. If you can’t stay flexible and know when something needs to change, you’re going to be holding your business back. Plain and simple! 


  1. Employees Not Pulling Their Weight

You are running a business, not a charity. If you have employees that aren’t pulling their weight, it’s something you need to act on sooner rather than later. You’ll need to be prepared to hold a meeting and discuss exactly why you believe this person is not pulling their weight – you can’t just get rid of them. If you warn the person, and they still don’t change what they are doing, you are well within your rights to get rid of them providing you go about it the right way. You must stick to the rules and laws outlined in your area or you could get into big trouble.


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  1. Too Much Downtime

If your business is suffering from too much downtime, you could be missing out on thousands upon thousands of profits. Downtime costs even small businesses thousands, so the best thing you can do is invest in things such as Business IT Support to ensure your business stays up and running no matter what. You might even want to look into a backup generator or something similar to ensure that even without power you can keep going. 


  1. Marketing With The Wrong Company

Your marketing is one of the most important things to consider when you’re trying to grow your business. Your marketing strategies determine who you are targeting, what you are saying, and where you are saying it. If you are working with the wrong company, they could be getting it all wrong. This is why knowing how to keep an eye on your marketing results is absolutely key. 


  1. Burn Out

Are you suffering from burn out and exhaustion in the hopes it just goes away? This is a very real issue for business owners, and you might actually be slowing your business down. Take a break and come back with a fresh head. 


  1. Ignoring Your Customers/Audience

Are your customers telling you something but you refuse to listen? Perhaps your audience are giving you an indication of the direction you should be going in but you’re sticking to what you’ve always done? You must show your customers and audience that you’re a business that listens



Image credit:  Pixabay.com

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6 Things That Could Be Slowing Your Business Down
When you know what the biggest weights are on your business, you can work to improve/replace them and speed things up again. Take a look and see what you think!

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