You Might Have The Keys, But Should You Move Straight Into Your Commercial Space?

You Might Have The Keys, But Should You Move Straight Into Your Commercial Space?

on Jun 23, 2021 in Small business

When we get the keys for a new residential property, most of us can’t wait to get stuck in and move our stuff over. This desire is prevalent in commercial moves too and, whether you’re expanding out of a home office or simply relocating, the chances are that you’ll want to embark on the next chapter of your business the moment you feel that cool metal key in your hand. Unfortunately, while a rushed residential move is easy enough to work around, a rushed commercial relocation can have a catastrophic impact, not only putting employees at risk but also leaving business itself open to downtime that’s impossible to come back from.

To overcome this, a delayed approach is always best,, especially when paired with proactive steps towards a lasting, and smooth move down the line. Here, we’re going to consider what exactly those proactive steps are, and how they can help you to get the most from your commercial move when it finally happens.

Develop a High Level of Cyber Security

There are a lot of people out there who would just love to hack into your business and cause some serious issues. Whether someone is trying to get into a financial account, steal personal information, or someone is just a troll who wants to cause trouble you need to have your business protected. There are several effective ways you can go about this that will give you the security you need to be able to keep yourself, your business, and your employees safe from losing precious information and resources. Checklists like the Essential 8 are great to review to give you some insight on what great cyber security looks like. It may take some effort to secure your company’s digital profile, but it will be well worth it to know that you, your business, and your staff are secure and your information is only your business and no one else’s. 

Step 1: Inspect and improve

Whether commercial spaces have been regularly used or not, they aren’t always the best-kept buildings, meaning that time should always be taken for inspection and improvement. Safety inspections should especially take centre stage as soon as you’re able to gain access. These may include anything from infrastructure inspections on the building itself through to commercial drug testing and even pest inspection. The results of these inspections should then be acted upon before employees or clients enter the space, whether through remedial building works, fumigation, or other such prevention techniques. 

Step 2: Renovate to match your branding

You might not think that there’s any pressing need to renovate your business space but, as studies continue to reveal how environment impacts performance, it’s well worth getting a head start here, too. Renovating to match your branding is especially useful if you’re expanding/bringing a lot of new staff onboard. In a very simplistic and subtle way, this offers a great opportunity to introduce your brand guidelines to new staff members. More importantly to daily performance, the chance to refresh and revive working areas ahead of time ensures that all of your staff can settle in, and start producing their best, the moment they set foot in that space.

Develop a High Level of Cyber Security

There are a lot of people out there who would just love to hack into your business and cause some serious issues. Whether someone is trying to get into a financial account, steal personal information, or someone is just a troll who wants to cause trouble you need to have your business protected. There are several effective ways you can go about this that will give you the security you need to be able to keep yourself, your business, and your employees safe from losing precious information and resources. Checklists like the Essential 8 are great to review to give you some insight on what great cyber security looks like. It may take some effort to secure your company’s digital profile, but it will be well worth it to know that you, your business, and your staff are secure and your information is only your business and no one else’s. 

Step 3: Transition gradually

Moving into a new commercial premises in one hit is the worst cause for relocation downtime. That’s problematic considering that every minute of downtime can cost as much as $5,600 in lost revenue. By transitioning slowly, it’s possible to offset this, ensuring that there are plenty of people holding down the fort as others set up in the new space. Over a few days, this should enable a switch that doesn’t once result in downtime, enabling the free flow of information and access that modern consumers expect, and altogether offsetting any potential relocation pain points.  

Moving offices can be stressful no matter how you do it, but taking your time, and tackling these tips as you do so, is guaranteed to simplify, and strengthen, your business move overall. 

Develop a High Level of Cyber Security

There are a lot of people out there who would just love to hack into your business and cause some serious issues. Whether someone is trying to get into a financial account, steal personal information, or someone is just a troll who wants to cause trouble you need to have your business protected. There are several effective ways you can go about this that will give you the security you need to be able to keep yourself, your business, and your employees safe from losing precious information and resources. Checklists like the Essential 8 are great to review to give you some insight on what great cyber security looks like. It may take some effort to secure your company’s digital profile, but it will be well worth it to know that you, your business, and your staff are secure and your information is only your business and no one else’s. 

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