Do You Want a Corporate Job or Startup Business?

Do You Want a Corporate Job or Startup Business?

on Feb 12, 2019 in Startups

There are lots of advantages and disadvantages to both a corporate job and starting a business. However, running your own business is often a first choice. Although a corporate job offers financial security for a while and you may get some benefits that won’t come in your first few years of business, starting your own business with your own ideas and passions is truly satisfying. Here’s why a startup business wins over a corporate job every time.

A Bigger Challenge

Have you ever been stuck in a job where you wished your employer would present you with a challenge? The truth is, a lot of people are wasted in corporate jobs. They are able to do more than they’re doing but their employers aren’t using their skills or suggestions. Running or being part of a startup will mean your ideas are needed to build something out of the box. You’ll get to be more creative and reap the benefits of your work.


Better Team

The odds are, the people who work at a startup are looking for the exact same thing you are. They want more creativity and innovation. That means you’ll get to work with people who are passionate about what they’re doing. Being a part of something innovative is exciting and suddenly work doesn’t feel like work anymore. Bouncing ideas off innovative minds can take startups above and beyond their corporate counterparts.


Great Incentives

Corporate jobs may come with benefits that startups don’t, but that doesn’t mean there are no perks to working at a startup. This is especially true if you’re starting the business yourself. There are lots of government incentives for Australian businesses. From funding to networking opportunities, there’s plenty to take advantage of. The main incentive for startup businesses is obviously the job satisfaction you can get. It’s one of the main reasons people leave corporate jobs and transfer to startups or start their own businesses.


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You’ll Be Recognized

The problem with corporate jobs is that workers don’t often get recognized for their hard work. When you’re part of a startup, your work will be recognized and you’ll likely be praised for it. That’s all the incentive you need to continue working at your best capacity. However, it also means you’re under the microscope when it comes to mistakes too. If you do make a mistake in a startup it can be a huge mistake and your employer will have the time to bring you up on it.


It’s More Relaxed

Sick of wearing suits and ties? Are those high heels killing your feet? You may find it’s a lot more relaxed at a startup. You could be relaxing in the sun with sandals on and your laptop actually on your lap. Because people have more job satisfaction, you’re likely to be part of a group that likes to have a joke. Having said that, this often means you’re closer with your colleagues and find it easier to communicate.


So, if you want to be somewhere exciting for a change, keep your eyes peeled for a startup business.



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