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Common Mistakes Businesses Make When Billing Their Customers

common business mistakes

It goes without saying that cash flow is one of the most critical things for any business. If your customers do not pay you on time, it can cause significant issues. Not only does it mean that you may not be able to pay your own suppliers on time, but it can also mean that you miss out on opportunities too. To make sure you do everything in your power to avoid this from happening, read on to discover some of the common mistakes businesses make when billing their customers so that you can avoid them.


Invoicing errors – There is only one place to begin, and this is with invoicing mistakes, and there are several of them that businesses make. The first error that a lot of companies make is failing to give payment terms and conditions to all of their clients upon agreeing to provide services. Not only this but do not make the error of taking your time to send an invoice – send it as soon as the work is complete. Furthermore, you should make sure you send reminders as soon as you have hit the seven working day mark and the invoice has not been paid.

A lack of organisation – A lack of organisation can also be costly in terms of billing clients. Some tips to ensure you are organised include refining your invoicing process by investing in software that suits your business, and creating templates so that you do not need to start every invoice from scratch.


Limited payment options – Another error businesses make when billing their customers is only giving them a limited number of payments options. By doing this, you are making it more difficult for people to pay, as you are taking away the element of convenience, and this can result in people taking much longer to pay you. So, what options should you provide customers with? Bank deposits, credit and debit cards, and PayPal are the basics. You may also want to consider cheques and mobile payments, although these are not a necessity.


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Failing to choose third-party providers with care – When it comes to payments, it is unlikely that you are going to be managing everything in-house. After all, you are going to need a payment processor. You can find out more information about this at You need to take the time to assess all third parties because their effectiveness impacts your business. Moreover, security is of paramount importance when it comes to payments and third parties. Do not merely assume the company is secure – make sure they are.

As you can see, there are a number of different mistakes that businesses commonly make when billing their customers. If you can avoid the errors mentioned above, you can ensure you have a seamless payment process and that you give yourself the best chance of being paid quickly too.



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