How To Ace Your Next Office Move

How To Ace Your Next Office Move

on Mar 24, 2020 in Small business

It’s a sign of great progress and growth in business – the day you start to plan an office move. You may be finally upgrading from your kitchen table to a co-working space, or you could be expanding your business and planning to take on new staff. Sometimes it works the other way, and circumstances dictate that downsizing is what’s needed in order to cut overheads and streamline what you do. Either way, the one certainty is that you’ll probably need to change offices at least once or twice in the lifespan of your business. Office moves can be fairly complex, as they require the careful coordination of lots of elements at once – and all while trying to ensure some form of business continuity as well. So what do you need to know in order to ace your office move?


Create Your Battle Plan

Making a move is a big undertaking, and one which isn’t going to go smoothly without a lot of planning. So start by setting up a folder and a tracking document which can act as the single source of truth for any information you need relating to the move. Centralising information using a cloud-based document system will make sure that all the things you need are accessible from any device and any location.


Look To Your Key Documents

Then begin to organise the most important documents your business needs access to – insurance records, business contracts, health and safety information. Scan in copies of these and keep them in your digital filing system, as well as maintaining paper copies in secure storage


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Communication Is Crucial

Make sure that you’re keeping staff and customers up to date on details of your move as needed. Work out a plan of email communications using a secure email marketing system and include as much detail as is relevant for each audience. For example, employees will want to know about parking and links to public transport as it affects their commute. You can also talk about key features of the new office, the reasons behind the move, what you’re doing to minimise any disruption, and any key actions you need to be taken.


Take Some Suggestions

If you want your office move to feel like an inclusive process, then it must include an element of staff consultation. Gathering feedback helps you to cater for needs and invite diverse viewpoints on matters such as changes in workspace needs, what office equipment is required, any seating plans and working style needs that you may be able to better accommodate in your new space. When you make staff feel included in the whole process, you’re likely to get much more buy-in to the whole process, ensuring it goes smoothly.


With a little careful planning, you can pull off a move with minimum disruption and have the new premises that will fully serve your needs. Your business can move on to bigger and better things, knowing that you have exactly the right set-up for your needs. 



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