When Your Home Is Your Office
It is never easy straightforward when two worlds collide, and this is most certainly the case when it comes to your home life and your work life. There are many perks associated with working from home. However, one of the challenges is that your living environment and your home environment are now the same thing. This does not mean you have an excuse for doing your work in your pyjamas while you watch Netflix, though! To avoid falling into such a trap, read on to discover some useful tips on working from home.
Dress as if you are leaving the house to go to work – This may seem pointless, but it will make a massive difference. What you are wearing has a huge impact on how you feel, and how you feel has a massive impact on your productivity levels. If you simply wear loungewear to do your work, you are going to feel lazy and too comfortable, and this will make it hard for you to maintain the high-efficiency levels required.
Remember, your place of work is a tax-deductible expense – It is important to remember that your home office now counts as a business expense. This means that you can account for the likes of rent, electricity, and Internet use, and so on when filing your tax return. It also highlights why you should try to keep your costs down too, as you want to run your business as cost efficiently as possible. There are numerous ways to do this. You can switch to renewable energy resources, such as solar panels from the likes of 4WD Supacentre, and you can make the switch from paper to cloud filing solutions. It is easy to forget that your office is a business space!
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De-clutter often and ruthlessly – If there is one thing that prohibits the mind from working optimally and creatively, it is clutter. Clutter is like a barrier that simply won’t budge. You need to get into the habit of purging your home office regularly and ruthlessly.
Schedule your days and stick to your schedule – The importance of scheduling when working from home cannot be underestimated. Do not merely write yourself a monumental to-do list and try and tackle it every day. Instead, get yourself a calendar whiteboard, and determine what tasks you are going to do for each allotted time period. Be realistic with your hours and schedule breaks. If you don’t, you will find yourself working until you go to bed, your business will take over, and you will be left with no personal time.
If you take note of the tips that have been presented in this post, you should, hopefully, find it a lot easier to work from home. While there is no denying that this can be a challenge, and you will probably experience a few productivity lulls along the way; the right environment and mindset can make all of the difference.
Image credit: Pexels