
Looking for some extra tips to navigate life and business?


I’m Kelly O’Donnell and I’m based in Melbourne. I don’t let fears stop me from trying new things and I hope you get some inspiration and tips after reading my blog.

I’m a Wellness Advocate, runner, mountain biker (new to it and loving it), mum, research consultant and trying to write my first book. I’ve tried to start my own business but moved on from that now to focus on writing for pleasure.

I hope that you will join me on my journey and take your life to a new level…..

New on the blog

Learn How To Make Your Business Pop

Learn How To Make Your Business Pop

Are you interested in improving your business strategy? If so, then you might want to think about how you can make your business stand out more in the future. There are lots of steps that you can take to improve your business campaign and boost your brand identity....

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Life Unleashed: Breaking Free And Embracing The New

Life Unleashed: Breaking Free And Embracing The New

Oh boy, have you ever felt like you’re stuck in a loop? You know, that whole wake up, work, sleep, rinse and repeat deal? It’s comfy, sure, but let’s be real—it’s also extremely boring! Now, how about we mix things up a tad? This blog post is here as your trusty...

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5 Ways to Encourage Employees to Return to the Office

5 Ways to Encourage Employees to Return to the Office

The need to work from home is long gone now, yet many people are still choosing to. The truth is, before COVID hit, many businesses didn’t allow remote working because they simply didn’t think it would work. And guess what? It did work! Millions of people took their...

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Small Business Security Tips You Need to Know

Small Business Security Tips You Need to Know

Small business security is just as vital as any other. In fact, given the potentially limited revenue and the negative impact, it may even be more critical. Fortunately, you have more control than you think with technologies like user access control and remote smart...

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Does Your Home Work For You At The Moment?

Does Your Home Work For You At The Moment?

Does your home work for you at the moment? Perhaps you have taken a look at your home one too many times recently and thought that there was something that wasn’t quite right, or you wished that there was something different about it. If this is the case, then your...

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Scaling a Small Industrial Business Correctly

Scaling a Small Industrial Business Correctly

Scaling a small industrial business isn’t as easy as it can appear. Many obstacles and hurdles crop up. As a complex challenge, there are some objectives for committing to the changes, from factoring in the costs of expansions to streamlining quality control...

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Some Important Ways To Protect Your Small Business

Some Important Ways To Protect Your Small Business

A small business can be a wonderful thing to have, but you never know what the future of it is going to be like, even if you plan it out as fully as you should. It’s therefore important to do all you can to protect your small business, as that is going to ensure that...

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Things To Do Before Deciding To Work Abroad

Things To Do Before Deciding To Work Abroad

Sometimes, the best thing you can do for your career is to work abroad. Doing this can launch your international career and open opportunities you may not have in your home country. It’s also a great experience, allowing you to immerse in a different culture and...

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Let’s Connect

Kelly O'Donnell
Job Title
Writer and doTerra Wellness Advocate
Kelly Nicole O'Donnell

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