3 Tips for Structuring Website Content for SEO

3 Tips for Structuring Website Content for SEO

on Dec 6, 2015 in SEO

Firstly, SEO – What is it?

A few months ago I had no idea about what SEO was.  For those who don’t know, it’s Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and it’s all about how visible your website is on a search engine such as Google. Here are some tips for structuring web content.

One of the things I have managed to do in the last week is getting a page 1 Google rank for one of my services pages. It was a light bulb moment for me to see my site on page 1 – previously it wasn’t even visible in the first 20 pages.

So I thought I would provide some tips in a few blogs of how I did it.

Structuring Website Content

1. Know Your Specific Market

Before you build your website or pay someone to do it for you, you need to be clear on your specific market. And your website should be designed around this market and the services you are offering.

If you are targeting small-business, what types of small business are you targeting? Who is your customer? What are they looking for? As you are doing this, you should be thinking about how people are going to find you in a Google search. What are they going to be typing in to find your specific service?

If you are a copywriter like me, then you’ll struggle if you choose your keyword to be copywriter, you need to be more specific about what you are offering that is different to the rest. Once you know this, then you can build your site around the market – and the services that you can offer to them.

2. Website Structured into Separate Pages

Your site should be structured into separate pages for each keyword you wish to rank for.  Typically, a basic website structure will have a :

  • home page
  • about page
  • contact page
  • services page.

Depending on what products or services you offer, you may also have an online shop or be providing a range of services.  So will have additional pages based on this. You may also have a blog page too – which can be added on at a later stage.


3. Separate Pages For Each Service

For each service you are offering, produce a separate page for each.  Each page should then have a separate keyword based on that service offering. If you offer blog content, have a separate page for that.  If you offer editing or proofreading – produce a page for that service. And so on.

I previously had my services all on my landing/home page and basically was struggling to work out how people were going to find me. Was I a feature writer, or copywriter or technical writer? By creating a clear distinction between the services I offer, I was able to structure website content to a relevant keyword for each page – and relevant copy is something Google looks at in its algorithm.

Now you’ve read about structuring website content you can sign up to be notified of my next blog post where I’ll outline some more tips and tricks.

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